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Tripod Site Builder FAQ

Q. What is Tripod Site Builder?

A. Tripod Site Builder is our easy-to-use, free website building platform. It's web-based, so there's no software for you to download. With Tripod Site Builder, you can quickly enter text into a web page and modify it the same way you would using an ordinary word processor. Quickly upload images, videos, audio and documents, then drag and drop them right onto your pages.

Q. How many Tripod Site Builder websites can I create?

A. Free members are limited to creating a single website, while premium members can create an unlimited number of sites. No matter how many websites you have, you cannot exceed the amount of overall disk space on your plan. See the Plan Comparison Chart to see how much disk space comes with each plan. Additional disk space can be purchased for all premium plans.

Q. How many pages can I have on my site?

A. The total number of pages you can have on your site is determined by the size of your pages and how much disk space you have allocated to your account. Actual web pages (.html files) are very small in file size. So you could technically have TONS of web pages on your site, but depending on the file size of other media that you upload (images, video, etc.), it will limit the amount of pages you can have.

Q. Will I have to build my pages from scratch?

A. No. We have an ever-growing template library for you to choose from. Pick one and get started building your site right away. You can change templates any time with just a single click.

Q. What if I can't find a template that suits my needs?

A. If none of the templates we offer suit you, you can use the Custom CSS Editor to create one. Read our Custom Code and CSS Basics tutorials to learn how to create your own template style.

Q. What URL will my site be published to?

A. It's your choice... the first time you use Tripod Site Builder, you'll be asked if you want to publish to your primary (often called the root) directory. Your site will be published to, where yourusername is the username you created when signing up for your Tripod account.

For example, if your Tripod username is, marysflowers then your site would be published to

Alternatively, you may publish to a subdirectory of your account. If this subdirectory happened to be named "bouquets," then your site would be published to